Thursday, 11 July 2013

Hiatus Terminated!

Well it's been a while since I posted on my blog; real life got in the way and derailed me for numerous reasons; largely unpleasant!   So i'll be adding a number of updates to catch on a few significant things and subjects over the next couple of weeks and hopefully getting back on track.

First off, I moved house (again!); this time to South Normanton in Derbyshire, UK.  I love the house, has plenty of rooms and a fair bit of land for the type of property, so i've sure got my work cut out with maintenance jobs, decorating, fixing etc.   Nice view out just over trees and vegetation and no neighbours on two aspects, so i'm finding it quite peaceful.  It's a struggle at the moment, but I do feel settled and have lists of jobs that need doing; so it's just a matter of time, money and effort (all hard to give ;-) ).

Just need a couple of cats to liven the place up bit!