Friday, 22 February 2019

Cthulhu, Lovecraft and other such horrors!

I'm very late to the party on this one!  I'd obviously heard of H.P. Lovecraft but never read any of this works (until recently).  Being an avid gamer, i'd also seen a number of games of different types based on the Cthulhu Mythos by Lovecraft, in particular the Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying game and more recently, the board games and card games from Fantasy Flight Games.

Even so, it never appealed greatly, perhaps due to the pulp style and 1920's era setting... or maybe it's an age thing and now I've learnt to appreciate it so much more.   

My first introduction was a visit to my old best friend's place in Spain a few years back, where I had a very light view of the Arkham Horror LCG (card game) and had a quick demonstration of Elder Sign (dice game).  I found myself overly intrigued and thus looked into the games more, ultimately buying Elder Sign initially.   The game is great fun and many games were played, sometimes for an entire Sunday.

...and thus the touch paper had been lit.  Fantasy Flight produce a number of games within this Mythos, under their product line banner of "Arkham Horror Files" and thus I spent around a year collecting all the main games and expansions for Elder Sign, Arkham Horror LCG, Eldritch Horror, Mansions of Madness and he newly released Arkham Horror board game.

It's pretty much the only games I play these days and largely enjoy more than others, perhaps in part to them being cooperative games rather than player vs. player competitive.   I'm loving the flavour and atmosphere of these games and they've grown my interest of the works of Lovecraft and other Cthulhu game publishers.   So much in fact, that later this year i'll be going to a weekend gaming event at Lundy Island purely for Lovecraftian games with like-minded gamers.

Flavour aside, the Fantasy Flight games are absolutely genius design.  Not easy by any means and it's been a very low number of times winning at any of the games.  It's not about the winning of course, as the experience is so great and memorable.  The games often feel sentient in how random events, card flips and dice rolls are so specific in reaction to player decisions and actions that it is seems so uncannily intelligent and thinking!  

All the games are quite different in play style too; with the LCG having a deckbuilding and RPG feel to it, with the added excitement of deluxe expansions having a number of scenarios followed by monthly releases of "Mythos packs" for a new scenario.  Eldritch Horror and Arkham Horror are board games, in a global and local setting respectively with many types of card decks and turn sequences to keep it always interesting and evolving.  Mansions of Madness is an interactive dynamic board game which also makes use of a digital app and miniatures, and last but not least, Elder Sign is a dice game and whilst the least flavoured of all the games, is still very enjoyable and can get quite intense.

All are highly recommended and i've also thrown some other games into the mix, such as Reign of Cthulhu and have several more lined up as well as pending deliveries of Kickstarters.   Gaahh! Gaming has exploded and certainly shifted from tabletop wargaming to board gaming.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

On the Square

History is one of my passions; and (as evident of my druid path), ritual.   My OCD also fuels desires such as process, procedure and organisation.  This all contributes to my finding of a prominent and active pasttime which I have found in the past couple of years.... Freemasonry.

There is obviously much speculation, assumption and opinion on this ancient "secret society" and I've only known a couple of Masons in my life, who never really revealed much or spoke of it.  I always believed it was by invitation only and never had a chance to join, but this has changed in latter years and I thus looked more into this fraternity before ultimately contacting United Grand Lodge of England to express my interest and desire to join.

A couple of months later, I was interviewed, vetted, interviewed again, signed in blood (joke), balloted and approved to join.   Again, a few months later I was initiated into Vulcan Lodge, No.4382 in the Province of Derbyshire, and what an amazing experience it was!  

Since my initiation, I have been very devoted and actively attending the lodge meetings and other visits, as well as social events.  I've met some genuine, friendly, welcoming and generous people during this time and made some good new friends.   In November 2018 I was Raised to the third degree, a Mason Mason, and soon placed into the position of acting Inner Guard.   

Being part of the Lodge has been very interesting, enlightening and often been in awe and amazed at learning some of the history and symbolic aspects of Freemasonry.  I've found many advantages: building confidence, expanding social circles, gaining knowledge, improving memory and reading etc.   Having to recall from memory, passages of text in front of an audience is quite daunting at first, but is so rewarding to be a part of a ritual or ceremony.   I'm truly loving every moment spent in Freemasonry so far.    For this year, I'm looking to move into an assistant officer position of Junior Deacon and join the Royal Arch Chapter.

Certified Druid of the Order

October 2018 saw my completion of the Druid grade in the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids.  After taking one of the official paths of druidry several years ago and passing the previous two grades, (and after a break period), I finally pushed forward to complete the course and received my (impressive) certificate from the Order.

This felt a great achievement as the course had been long overall and involved a considerable amount of both reading and practical exercises and assessments.  My connection to the earth and pagan beliefs are without question, but the course did help broaden some knowledge and open up other doors of study and research.  As I've blogged previously, I've given a talk on druidry as well as run and participated in several rituals in both small and medium-sized groups.  My personal, solitary journey has been constant, even when groups, groves\coverns have disbanded.  I've never missed a sabbat ritual yet and stay connected in one way or other on a regular basis.

Prior to becoming fully certified, I also visited the south of England earlier that year; at long last taking a beautiful trip to Stonehenge, passing through the lesser known path of the trees and fields, over King's Barrow and finally to the stones.  A wonderful experience and whilst slightly tainted by a large public presence and commercialism, it felt spiritual and special to be at such an ancient and significant location.  This was part of a road trip which also involved visits to Woodhenge, Glastonbury, Old Sarum etc.  The weather was hot and sunny and a thoroughly enjoyable and relaxing time.

Tempus Fugit

Many, many years since I posted.  I'm certainly active online on a daily basis but Blogging seems to fall by the wayside, largely due to being so busy and partly due to this blog being totally random and without structure as well as really that it's just for a personal brain dump and not expecting anyone else to read.    ::waffle, waffle::

Still, just a few updates in subsequent blog posts today.

On the whole, the past two-to-three years have been the busiest I've ever been, often without a free evening to myself in a fortnight period.  

General Thoughts

The world has changed massively within such a short space of time.  Even in these few years of silence, my childhood disturbing images of rainforest destruction are now dwarved (that's not to belittle the still ongoing deforestation) by other atrocities of humankind such as the plastic pollution in the oceans, trophy hunting, Asian animal cruelty, the extinction of species such as the rhino etc.   With social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter, there's not a day goes by where I'm not affronted by the human blight on our beautiful planet.  Wanton cruelty and meaningless destruction.  Over the past weeks I've begun to "unfollow" and turn off notifications to work towards more of a media blackout.   I'm not going to get all political either, but the past two years have seen destructive people come into power; Trump being very prominent!  Brexit causing such a hatred and divide within the UK; largely caused by citizen's intolerance of immigration and terrorism.  The world is a mess and I can't see it getting any better, sadly.  Bring on the Black Plague and let's "reduce the surplus population".

Such depressing thoughts aside, life is good.  Daily happiness, never bored and feeling quite fulfilled.

Upcoming blog entries for a few contributors to those feelings...