Monday, 16 December 2013

My Pagan Altar

I've had a collection of various items, significant to Pagan rituals and having personal or spiritual meaning, gathering in various locations throughout the house. After a good while, I finally decided to create an altar on which to place all these items and provide a focal point for rituals and my pagan studies. I'll likely add more over time and I intend to lightly decorate the altar for each of the seasons.

The main items of note are the pentagram (the obvious Pagan symbol), on the wall in top prominent location. Various candles throughout and items of the elements (feathers, water bowl, firebowl, rock, wood etc.) for the quarter\element representations. On the top left are items dedicated to Cernunnos and the Green Man, to reflect the druidic aspect. The large box contains miscellaneous items as well as pendants, rings etc for use during rituals.

The first time I used the altar was for my initiation ceremony for the Ovate Grove in November 2013. I'll perform a small Yule ritual in December at the Solstice, and will commence the new year with more dedicated rituals for the eight-fold wheel of the year.

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