Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Dork's Den

I've now completed sorting and arranging the Gaming Room in the house. Being a garage converted into a proper windowed and floored room, it's now all kitted out as I want it. Obviously the bulk of the area is taken up by the 6x4 ft gaming table, which has the Realms of Battle boards laid out (including the new Forge World Imperial title). In one corner is the "hobby desk" which contains the paint station, paints, basing material and stuff. I may just put a couple of shelves above this to better hold stuff like paints. Next to that under the window are four drawer units for various model collections and bits, and across in the other corner is a shelving unit packed full of my complete Tau Empire collection. This was a DIY job, by building a shelving unit and then butchering up a second unit to double the shelving capacity. On the other side of the room is the same type of shelving unit for Warriors of Chaos, Orcs & Goblins and Grey Knights, and next to this is a larger bookcase for all my gaming rulebooks, 40K and Warhammer RPG books and novels. There's also an understairs storage through a door which has shelving for all my Cities of Death and Planetstrike terrain, as well as army cases and other bits. So everything has it's place now and is properly organised. Even got a wall clock and MP3 speaker dock for gaming nights ;-)

Well chuffed!

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