Ok, so it's certainly no secret that my pride and joy army is my Tau Empire. I love the models, the lore and background and the overall feel of the army. I've certainly won my fair share of games with them too, but I believe the army are suffering since coming into 5th edition 40K and certainly struggle to stand up to the latter armies which have had new codices or attention by GW. With armies getting into assault much quicker, having deployment abilities to appear behind enemy lines or outflank and generally harder hitting abilities, the Tau's lack of assault ability and low stats for close combat defence, combined with being locked into combat, it is quite easy to lock down and destroy units. In particular, I feel that Battlesuits suffer and do not convey the image that they should have. Tau are certainly overdue for a good revision and upgrade, so i'm eager for the new codex release. Here's my wishlist to help the blueskins have a better chance:
Ethereals - abilities and powers increased, give Save, and better Firewarrior honor guard (veteran stats (+1 BS and Ld) and not having to use Troop slot!)
(new) Battlesuits with better WS and assault based weapons (makes sense when protected in a suit!)
XV25 - Give Battlesuits some support systems hard-wired as standard. Lower wargear points costs.Allow Crisis Battlesuits two weapon shots per turn, as Multi-tracker
Give battlesuits Hit and Run to allow not be tied up into Close Combat. (Jet pack makes sense, and gives a chance in assault)
Increase max unit size of Crisis Battlesuits to 5.
Give battlesuits Hit and Run to allow not be tied up into Close Combat. (Jet pack makes sense, and gives a chance in assault)
Increase max unit size of Crisis Battlesuits to 5.
XV15\XV25 - Lower cost of Stealthsuits.
Decrease chance of spotting to 2D6"
Fast Attack
(new) Jet Bike Squadron (1-4 bikes), Fast Skimmers, armed with Rail Rifles. Disruption Pod and Turbo Boost.
Vespids - add Hit and Run.
Gun Drones - Flechette Discharger or self-destruct facility on Gun Drones hit\destroyed in Close Combat.
Piranha - Piranhas with Fusion Blasters get concentrated power increase when all hit for squadron of 3+
Kroot - Make kroot rifle an Assault weapon and new rule to compensate for loss of Fieldcraft
Give Kroot 6+ save for no cost
Better abilities for Shaper for the cost of 21 points!! Add benefit to rest of unit if Shaper is included.
Great Knarloc as an option to Kroot unit, rather than Heavy Support.
Kroot - Make kroot rifle an Assault weapon and new rule to compensate for loss of Fieldcraft
Give Kroot 6+ save for no cost
Better abilities for Shaper for the cost of 21 points!! Add benefit to rest of unit if Shaper is included.
Great Knarloc as an option to Kroot unit, rather than Heavy Support.
(new) Add new troop option (additional alien race)
Fire Warriors - more wargear and options. The unit is too basic in variance.
Heavy Support
Hammerhead - Choice is 1-3 Hammerheads, a la IG Leman Russ Squadrons
Add other Hammerhead turret options (as per Forge World).
Allow target lock and multi-tracker as standard. wing-mounted weapons fire regardless like drone-intelligence and not included in usual Weapon Strength restrictions.
Add other Hammerhead turret options (as per Forge World).
Allow target lock and multi-tracker as standard. wing-mounted weapons fire regardless like drone-intelligence and not included in usual Weapon Strength restrictions.
Sky Rays - Unlimited (or more than 6, at least!) Seeker missiles (makes sense that they would be loaded up from the cargo hull)
Sniper Drone Teams -Move to Elite slot
Sniper Drones dont need coherancy and can operate at x" distance from each other and the Spotter.
Sniper Drones dont need coherancy and can operate at x" distance from each other and the Spotter.
Devilfish - Better weapon options for Devilfish. Devilfish to be Fast. All Devilfish to have Marker Beacons for Deep Strike re-rolls.
GenericTroop\HQ\Elites - More characters for unit types to add unit benefits (e.g. Reknowned Pathfinder Shas'ui etc, to give benefits (as per Telion in SM Scout unit)
See, it's not asking the earth! ;-) Tau need a good ramp up!
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